7 Health Perks of Having Dark Chocolate In Your Diet.
Dark chocolate is not only a sweet treat, but can also be very beneficial to your health when eaten in moderation. Here are seven health benefits of eating dark chocolate that you may not know. 1. High in essential nutrients Dark chocolate provides a healthy amount of essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, fiber, copper, potassium, manganese, zinc, and more. 2. Good Source of Antioxidants Chocolate is considered rich in antioxidants, however, the antioxidants have not been shown to be active to the same degree within the body as they are in a test tube. 3. Cholesterol Regulation Studies have shown that chocolate can help protect against high cholesterol levels and reduce the oxidation of 'bad' cholesterol, such as LDL. 4. Lower Blood Pressure Flavonoids in dark chocolate help your blood vessels relax and lower blood pressure by boosting the production of nitric oxide. 5. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease As dark chocolate can prevent LDL oxidation, this can result in less cholesterol clogging the arteries, decreasing your risk of developing heart disease. 6. Can Protect Skin From The Sun High-flavanol dark chocolate can protect against sun damage, increase skin density and hydration and improve blood flow to the skin. 7. Improved Brain Function Dark chocolate with a high-flavanol content can also improve cognitive function and improve blood flow to the brain in young adults. Cocoa also stimulants substances such as caffeine.