From buttery soft salmon sashimi and citrusy ceviche to a perfectly rare sirloin steak or beef carpaccio, many of our favorite meat and seafood dishes are best served raw or (deliciously) undercooked. And as long as they're sourced properly and stored at a safe temperature, there isn't really a reason—other than pregnancy or specific health concerns—to avoid these foods.

One raw protein we'll never mess with, however? Chicken.

There's a reason U.S. health officials recommend eating chicken when it's fully cooked. Unlike red meats like meat or lamb, poultry often harbors harmful bacteria like salmonella. If these bacteria aren't completely killed off during cooking, they can cause food poisoning, nausea, stomach pains, and/or diarrhea.

Of course, the best way to avoid this gastro-nightmare is by cooking your chicken all the way to doneness every single time—whether you are grilling, roasting, air-frying or searing. The FDA recommends cooking your bird until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (and yes, you should add a meat thermometer to your cart if you don't own one already).

Meet the Experts: Jennifer L Bonheur is a board-certified gastroenterologist in New York City. In addition to working at her private practice, she’s an attending physician at both NYU Langone Medical Center and Lenox Hill Hospital. Samantha Nazareth is double board-certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology/Hepatology. She practices in New York City and is a Women's Health Advisory Board member.

Sounds easy enough, right? That said, you're not always the one doing the cooking. What happens if you find yourself biting into a grilled chicken leg at a dinner party or barbecue only to find that it's woefully undercooked inside? Do you spit it out? Rush to the emergency room?

I caught up with gastroenterologists to find out exactly what to do if you ate raw chicken breasts, thighs or wings. I also asked some of the WH test kitchen pros to weigh in on how you can avoid this (terrible) situation in the first place.

What happens if you eat raw chicken, really?

Is it safe to eat raw chicken? In short, no. You might get sick with food poisoning. And unless you're Emily Charlton from The Devil Wears Prada, those two dreaded words are enough to send chills up and down your spine.

"Raw chicken—as well as its juices—is often contaminated with campylobacter bacteria and sometimes with salmonella and clostridium perfringens," says Jennifer L. Bonheur, MD, a gastroenterologist in New York City. There is also a small chance you can get Escherichia coli from raw chicken, "though, typically it's more common to get E. coli from undercooked beef and contaminated raw fruits or veggies," says Samantha Nazareth, MD, a gastroenterologist in New York.

All of these foodborne pathogens can cause diarrhea usually alongside nausea and vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

And, all it may take is one or two bites.

How long after eating raw chicken will you get sick?

Let's talk timing. In the case of campylobacter, symptoms don't typically start to present themselves until two to five days after exposure, while salmonella can start wreaking havoc in as little as six hours, per the CDC. Similarly, these infections vary in length, from 24 hours (clostridium perfringens) to upwards of a week (campylobacter). The incubation time for E. coli is most commonly three to four days.

What can you do if you've eaten raw chicken but aren't sick yet?

Unfortunately, once you eat raw chicken, there's not much you can do about it. Chugging water or rinsing your mouth won't bring on any magical fixes. And forcing yourself to vomit? "That won't help either," Dr. Bonheur says.

What should you do if you get sick from raw chicken?

First things first, immediately ban whatever establishment or home you previously ate at for ample time—and yes, even if that means avoiding your mom's cooking for weeks. (Sorry, mom!)

Back to the question: No one wants to say it, but you just have to deal with the symphony of symptoms. There isn't really a magic pill or cure-all.

"So, if you're having diarrhea, nausea, cramps—the usual food poisoning problems—start following a bland diet and stay well hydrated with water and electrolyte drinks until symptoms improve," Dr. Bonheur says.

Most food poisoning cases will last up to a week. That said, if symptoms don't improve or worsen within a week, and/or you "have bloody diarrhea, develop a high fever (above 102 degrees), and are pregnant or immunocompromised, you should definitely speak to a doctor," says Dr. Nazareth.

Starting to show signs of dehydration (think: dizziness, dry mouth, low blood pressure, reduced urination)? Err on the safe side and give the doc a call. Some of these worsened symptoms like high fever and bloody stools might mean you have a more aggressive infection. But that's not usually the case.

What happens if you eat slightly undercooked chicken?

Whether it's raw or just seems slightly undercooked doesn't matter. Your safest bet is to return to the stove (grill, oven, air fryer, etc.) to cook the poultry for longer if you're questioning its level of preparedness.

Sure, it might seem easier to just cut around any rawer areas and eat what looks well done rather than asking a chef or your BFF to cook your food for longer, but that's actually pretty risky.

"The entire piece of meat should be well cooked, as there can be contamination from adjacent undercooked segments of the meat that will still put you at risk for exposure to bacteria and foodborne illness," Dr. Bonheur says.

How can I make sure chicken is cooked all the way through?

Inspect your chicken; you'll want to pay close attention to its color. To check, make a small cut into the thickest part of the meat—while a fully-cooked piece of chicken will be totally white on the inside, a raw or undercooked piece will still be pinkish and/or bloody-looking. You should also check to see that any juices running out are totally clear. Pink-tinged juices are another indication that your meat needs a few more minutes to cook.

Of course, the safest (and cleanest) way to check if your chicken is cooked all the way through is to use a quality cooking thermometer and inserting it, again, into the thickest part of the meat. You're looking for that ideal internal temperature of about 165°F, which indicates your bird is safe to eat and that you've successfully killed off any harmful bacteria that may have been present. (Woot!)

How can I avoid cross-contamination while cooking?

Okay, so as long as you're not literally eating raw or undercooked chicken, you're safe, right? Well, food safety is actually a little more complicated than that. Another culprit behind food-borne illnesses like salmonella is cross-contamination—the transfer of harmful bacteria, allergens, or other contaminants from one piece of food (e.g. raw poultry) to another. Even if you're hitting the proper internal temperature, you can still give yourself food poisoning if you're not cleaning your station properly.

One way to avoid cross-contamination is by reserving a separate cutting board for raw meat, and using a different one for items like produce and bread. Make sure to thoroughly clean and sanitize your cutting boards immediately after using them, ideally by running them through the dishwasher if you have one—if not, then by washing with very hot, soapy water, rinsing with clean water, then thoroughly drying with a clean paper towel or dish towel. Be sure to clean and sanitize your countertops as well.

Whether you're prepping a piece of raw chicken or sitting down to take a bite, it's always worth it to be mindful of what you're eating. Paying attention to your food can help you avoid unnecessary health scares, as well as allow you to savor your meal—like this fresh, summery coconut chicken—in peace.

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