

Research reveals how many hours you should sit, stand and exercise each day

The key to solving ‘sick note culture’? Make young people professional again

When I received my first job offer, a lady from “personnel” sat me down and explained the terms of my new employment contract. I was under no illusions about my side of the bargain. In return for a salary, I was required to undertake certain tasks and comply with protocols, including working prescribed hours in a specific office. It all seemed reas...

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Medically reviewed by Brendan Camp, MD Many factors can contribute to hair loss, including genetics, childbirth, and certain diseases. Hair loss can result from a lack of nutrient-rich foods, restrictive eating, sudden weight loss, low-calorie intakes, and obesity—all of which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Excessive intake of certain vitami...

Tips to Reach Peak Mental and Physical Performance

A roadmap for reaching peak performance while running your business.

Does broccoli give you gas? Here's what that says about your health — and how to avoid it

Broccoli is a crowd-please veggie that benefits immune health, digestion and gut health. Learn more about why broccoli may give you gas and how to avoid it.

11 Tips for Making At-Home Cooking Even Healthier

Cooking healthy at home does not have to be a chore.

9 Ways Social Media Can Boost Mental Wellbeing

Social media often gets a bad rap for consuming people’s time, and rightfully so. However, when used properly, it can have a beneficial effect on mental well-being. Its growing integration into our social and professional lives has led to a greater prevalence of mental health concerns. It also impacts us through many other avenues, including public perception, emotional resilience, and social connectedness. Here are ten positive ways social media can support mental health:

Researchers analyze health information on TikTok to identify trends

In today's digital age, social media platforms like TikTok have become integral parts of our lives, offering not just entertainment and catchy dances but also a wealth of information on topics ranging from home improvement to world news. According to some reports, many young people even prefer to use social media in place of traditional search engines like Google when looking for answers.

Weight loss drug semaglutide shows promise in preventing heart disease

Studies began to demonstrate its ability to aid in weight loss and improve the overall health of patients, including those without diabetes.

ADHD Can Carry into Adulthood, and Could Lead to Depression and Anxiety

Learn why attention deficit hyperactivity disorder starts in childhood, but some people don't outgrow it.

Dengue is now endemic in more than 100 countries—here's what you need to know

Over the last 20 years, there has been a tenfold increase in reports of dengue—an infectious disease that spreads to humans through the bite of infected Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.

Which Vitamins Are Good For Arthritis?

Orthopedists and dietitians recommend these science-backed, inflammation-fighting supplements

Does sunscreen expire? Here's how it works to protect your skin against UV rays

Can sunscreen expire? Here's how sunscreen works and what to know about expiration dates.

I've been a psychologist for over 20 years: Here's how I manage stress

Allison Chase is a practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience in her profession, but she experiences stress, too. Here's how she manages it.

Understanding Cannabinoids and Their Medical Uses

Medically reviewed by Erika Prouty, PharmD Cannabis is a term used to describe all products derived from a specific type of cannabis plant that consists of more than 500 chemicals. The two main types of cannabis are indica and sativa. Cannabinoids are a group of chemicals or compounds found in the cannabis sativa plant. This includes tetrahydrocann...

10 Healthiest States in the U.S.

Characteristics like lower mortality and lower obesity drive better population health in this group of states.

How even the smallest acts of kindness make us happier and healthier

Kindness is also contagious—and science backs that up. This entrepreneur rediscovered that phenomenon when her community pulled together after a wintry blast knocked out power. When a windy arctic blast raged through the Northeast U.S. this past winter, more than 600,000 people lost power for days. I was one of them. Because we don’t own a generator, our family toughed it out in the freezing cold without power. It tested everyone’s mettle. But...

Walking miracles open up about their incredible recoveries at Walter Reed

'Fox News Sunday' takes a look inside the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Health risks of using cannabis are higher in adolescents than in adults, study finds

Using cannabis on a regular basis may be significantly more dangerous for adolescents than adults, with adolescents showing higher levels of cannabis use disorder and reporting greater negative impacts on daily functioning than adults, in a new study led by the University of Bath in the UK.

How Religion Helped These Believers Improve Their Mental Health

“It's definitely something that helps bring me back to center.”

Have you had an adrenaline rush? Here's when it's a good thing – and when it's not.

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone that's usually triggered whenever the body encounters a particularly stressful situation.

15 Best Niacinamide Serums & Creams for Glowing Skin

Get in, we're on our way to faded dark spots and more even tone.

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Medically reviewed by Kayla Girgen, RD Cayenne peppers (Capsicum annuum) are moderately hot chili peppers that belong to the Solanaceae or nightshade plant family. Cayenne peppers have a hot and spicy flavor and are commonly used in recipes like curries, soups, and meat dishes. These peppers are high in protective nutrients and plant compounds that...

Dementia cases are on the rise — avoid these 12 risks to keep your brain healthy

As the global population of older adults grows, cases of dementia are also on the rise. Here's how you can start protecting your brain.

Why do mosquito bites itch? Some people get them more than others. Here's why.

Did you know mosquitos bite some people more than others? Here's what attract them to you and why mosquito bites are so painful and itchy.

A little-understood sleep disorder affects millions and has clear links to dementia – 4 questions answered

A little-known and poorly understood sleep disorder that occurs during the rapid eye movement, or REM, stage of sleep has been garnering attention for its role in foreshadowing neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. The disorder, known as REM sleep behavior disorder, or RBD in the medical field, affects around 1% of the general population worldwide and about 2% of adults over 65. The...

Should I Use a Mineral or Chemical Sunscreen? Pros Weigh In + Share the Best SPF Formulas

Spoiler alert: One type can disrupt hormones

Why Does My Weight Fluctuate So Much?

No, your scale probably isn't broken.

Americans would rather live a shorter life in good health than a longer life with health issues, new poll finds

U.S. adults said they'd rather live a shorter life in good health than a longer life with health issues, according to a new poll.

How to Advocate for Yourself at Doctor's Visits

Write down your concerns before the visit, send portal messages, and Google your symptoms in advance.

The Best Yogurts for Your Health, Ranked

Medically reviewed by Melissa Nieves, LND Yogurt is full of probiotics and rich in calcium—a mineral many Americans don’t consume enough of. Depending on which type of yogurt you pick, yogurt is also a good source of protein. This makes yogurt great for gut, bone, immune, and muscular health. Most yogurt is full of nutritional benefits, and it's a ...

Diabetes in youth may increase risk for neurodegenerative disease, like Alzheimer's disease, later in life

Young people with diabetes may have a significantly higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life, according to a new study by researchers in the Lifecourse Epidemiology of Adiposity and Diabetes (LEAD) Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Ask a doc: 'Is it dangerous to crack my neck or back?'

Cracking your back or neck might provide quick relief and a satisfying popping noise — but is it a safe practice? Medical professionals share the risks of the habit.

Why am I lonely? Lack of social connections hurts Americans' mental health.

Loneliness has soared in America, and with rising political polarization and social-media-driven isolation, it appears the crisis will get worse.

'At 9 Months Postpartum, I Committed To The Workout Program Bodi To Overhaul My Health'

"I'm now 42 and have stuck with it for over 10 years."

8 foods to eat before bed for a better night’s sleep

25 Foods That Offer Even More Iron Than Beef

No red meat? No problem! You may pump iron in the gym, but the kind you get through food is even more important for your health. The mineral transports oxygen throughout your body, helps form red blood cells, and supports your metabolism. “Too little iron in your diet and you may be feeling cold, tired, and sluggish,” says Melissa Prest, D.C.N., R.D.N., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ideally, women should aim for 18 milligrams (mg) per day, while men only need 8 mg, says Prest. The best way to get enough is through diet—and yes, it’s true that red meat is an excellent source. Just one 3-ounce serving of lean ground beef packs 2.2 mg of it, per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). But what if you want to steer clear of steak? While research shows that red meat provides important nutrients (including iron, muscle-building amino acids, vitamin B12, and zinc), it might also increase your risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease and even certain types of cancer. Meanwhile, studies show that plant-based diets may do the opposite and lower your risk of health problems down the road. Luckily, you can find iron beyond a Quarter Pounder with cheese—but you’ll need to eat more of the mineral if you’re completely vegan or vegetarian. That’s because there are two types of iron: heme and nonheme. Meat, seafood, and poultry contain both forms, while plant-based or fortified foods contain only nonheme. This can be an issue if you’re strictly plant-based, since your body has an easier time absorbing the iron in animal products, according to the National Institutes of Health. (Quick tip: Pairing plant-based sources of iron with vitamin C-rich foods can boost absorption.) The fix: “Vegetarians and vegans should consume around 1.8 times the recommended daily value,” says Sharon Palmer, R.D.N., author of The Plant-Powered Diet. For women ages 19 to 50, that works out to about 32 mg of iron per day. The 25 delicious foods on this list, which pack more iron than a serving of beef, can help you hit your daily mark.

Binge-eating ruined my life — then I received a life-changing diagnosis

'Food becomes a source of dopamine.'

Health officials warn Californians of risks of fake Botox. Here's what to look for

Fake versions of Botox have popped up in California, raising alarm among officials who warn that counterfeit product can lead to slurred speech and breathing issues.

Debunking COVID-19 myths

Don't fall for these popular myths about preventing or treating COVID-19.

So, you've lost weight using Wegovy. Does that mean you can stop taking it?

Millions of Americans who have used new obesity drugs like Wegovy to lose weight and improve health are wondering what happens if they stop taking them. Experts say the medications were designed and tested to be taken indefinitely to treat the disease of obesity. (AP Video: Mary Conlon)

5 Jicama Benefits That’ll Have You Adding This Veggie to Your Grocery List ASAP

Jicama is crunchy, slightly sweet, and full of beneficial nutrients.

Managing a breakdown: Supporting a colleague having a mental health crisis

Although there has been a clear improvement in the workplace’s understanding of mental health over the years, unfortunately, it can still be a delicate subject.

20 Foods Most People Think Are Healthy, But They Aren’t

20 of the Healthiest Dog Breeds with the Fewest Medical Problems

Choose wisely. A healthy dog breed can prevent heartache and save you a lot of money over the years.

Breakthrough study reveals how to keep off the pounds after stopping weight-loss jabs

Slimmers who come off weight loss jabs can keep the pounds off – if they wean themselves off the medicine slowly, a trial has found. Until now, those prescribed the radical treatments have been warned that they may have to stay on the drugs for life – or see their weight bounce back up. The jabs have been shown to cause major weight loss – with ave...

Wish you were more flexible? Experts share 7 simple tips that'll help.

When we think of the word “flexible,” we may think about a yogi twisting themselves into a pretzel knot, or that one friend who can drop into a split at a moment’s notice thanks to their past gymnastics experience. Yet flexibility isn’t something reserved for a special group of people, or something you can only achieve when you’re young — it’s some...

Women Are Not Getting Enough Exercise — and It's Harming Their Mental Health

When regularly exercising, women reported feeling more happy, energetic, and confident, according to the global Move Her Mind report

Patients face longer trips, less access to health care after Walmart shuts clinics

For rural and lower-income patients, staying healthy will become more time-consuming after Walmart's exit from the primary care business, experts say.

Uremia: Kidney Toxicity and Treatment

The Result of Progressive Kidney Failure