Experts say that consuming up to 10 smaller meals per day - as opposed to the recognised ritual of breakfast, lunch, and dinner - could be preferable for those looking to improve their health.

According to Mississippi nutritionist Lindsey DeSoto, some people who experience stomach issues like gastroparesis, heartburn, as well as bloating or fullness can reduce symptoms by increasing the number of meals they eat in a day but in smaller servings.

Experts say tucking into smaller portion sizes when having six to 10 daily meals can aid digestion by giving the stomach less to break down after each small meal.

According to nutrionists it could even help with weight loss, but DeSoto says being aware of your calorie intake and the size of food portions plays a major role.

she said: "For example, if you need 1,800 calories to maintain your weight and choose to eat six small meals daily, each meal should be around 300 calories."

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"Be sure to stay within your allotted daily calorie needs and divide them among the number of meals you consume."

"Small, frequent meals often come in the form of ultra-processed foods and snacks that fall short in many vital nutrients your body needs.

"Thus, it is essential to focus on the quality of the foods you consume," she continued.

DeSoto insists three meals a day is fine for most people, but eating less more often could be helpful for addressing symptoms related to food intake for some people.

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More meals are also thought to increase feelings of being full and improve metabolism, the process by which our bodies convert food into energy.

However, a 2019 National Institutes of Health report found that the total number of meals a person consumes per day could also be linked to their risk of developing diseases.

The research "demonstrated a significant increase in disease risk" if a person ate 6 or more meals daily, compared to those who consumed just one to two meals.

A wealth of evidence has found that, generally eating three balanced meals a day is most heavily associated with having a healthy weight and lower risk of disease.

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